Tech and transport day


Tech & Transport Day

AI and Technology: Shaping the Future of Transport Management Systems

Join us for the first-ever Tech & Transport Day, held in Aarhus on the 23rd of October. The event will give you an inspiring look at how cutting-edge AI and technology will revolutionize transport management. Network with industry leaders and visionary thinkers to explore innovations that can elevate your business.

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Speakers tech and transport

Join Us for the First-Ever Tech & Transport Day!

Explore how AI and cutting-edge technology are transforming the future of transport management. Connect with industry leaders and visionaries as we dive into the innovations that can take your business to the next level.

This is your chance to gain valuable insights and network with the top minds in the industry. Our sessions will cover groundbreaking topics like disruptive technologies, emerging tech trends in transport, and the AI revolution. We’ll also showcase real-world examples, to show you how technology is making transport smarter and more efficient.

The event will be held on October 23rd in Denmark

The event is held at the Aksen building in Aarhus, Denmark, starting at 09:30 and ending at 16:00. To keep you energised throughout the day, we’ll be providing a complimentary breakfast and lunch.

By attending, you will automatically be included in a raffle for a chance to win exciting prizes. The winners will be announced at the end of the event. The prizes include a digitalisation consultancy session with industry experts, to help you adapt to industry changes.

Three dynamic sessions:

Our doors open at 09:30, where you can start your day with a light breakfast and refreshments, perfect for fuelling up before a day of innovation and insights.

The day is organised into three dynamic sessions:

Disruptive Technologies


Kicking off the day, we’ll dive into the groundbreaking technologies that are reshaping the transport industry. Discover how one of the world’s leading technology companies is driving the AI revolution, transforming the way we interact with and understand artificial intelligence. Additionally, hear from a major global player as they share their digitalization journey, illustrating how they’ve harnessed technology to revolutionize their operations and stay ahead in a rapidly evolving market. The session will conclude with a Q&A, giving you the opportunity to engage directly with our industry experts and get your questions answered.


Adapting and Evolving in Transport 


Next, we will explore how the transport industry is evolving in response to these disruptions. Learn how leading companies are embracing change, adapting to new challenges, and staying ahead of the curve with innovative solutions. You will hear insights from a key player in route optimisation, known for their industry-leading solutions. Their expertise in optimising complex transportation networks will give you a glimpse into the future of logistics and how technology is paving the way for smarter, more efficient operations. There will be an exciting surprise by the end of this session.


Networking + prize winners 


We will close the day with an engaging networking session. Connect with fellow industry professionals and share insights while participating in a fun, transport-themed activity designed to spark conversation and creativity. By attending, you will automatically be included in a raffle for a chance to win exciting prizes. The winners will be announced during this session. The prizes include a digitalisation consultancy session with an industry expert, to help your business adapt to industry changes.

EG Tech and Transport Day


October 23, 2024

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Date & time


Max number of participants: 130


EG A/S, Hedeager 44, 8200 Aarhus